Saturday, March 14, 2009

What's Inside Your Tummy, Mommy?

So that's the title of one of the many books we checked out at the library on Thursday. I told Charlotte on the way home that Daddy and Mommy had a big secret surprise to tell her that day. Her first reply with a huge smile was "Am I getting a new Barbie?" "Um no honey, it's not that." Then came, "Are we going to Florida again?" "Well, no it's something else, you'll find out soon!" I was trying to be optimistic she wouldn't be disappointed with the news after those guesses. So Stu and I showed the book to the kids to let them know a little baby, Lord willing, is growing in my tummy and they'll have a new little baby brother or sister in the fall. The book wasn't enough though, they had to check out my tummy...which has grown quite quickly when I compare how it grew with my first two pregnancies. Third times a charm I guess. And it was big enough to convince them Mommy did have a baby in her tummy!
Charlotte is very excited and keeps bringing up questions like "Can you show me when the baby is coming on my calendar? Can I push it in the swing like I did with Connor? We should blow bubbles for the baby and it will laugh like Connor did." At first I thought these must be things she remembers but we do have some video of her doing these things so I think that is what she is remembering.
I'm just over 11 weeks along, taking much needed naps during the day when I can and being nausious enough not knowing what I want to eat, mostly around dinner times. My husband has been a great support though, making dinners when he can and bringing home my latest cravings. Last week, it was Chinese from Chef Wok. What would I do without Stu?
This week we went skating but I could tell Charlotte just wasn't herself. She came down with a fever and sore throat AGAIN. So we decided to take her in and hopefully get some antibiotics to clear it up for good. We went to the Southampton hospital first thing Saturday morning and expected to wait at least a little bit, bringing along a whole bag of books, paper, crayons and pencils, and snacks to keep the kids happy and we ended up going in straight away. What a pleasant surprise for us!
The nurse was so sweet and good with the kids, Stu went through the registration first and then Charlotte. Charlotte was very nervous, her last immunization vividly etched in her mind for the rest of her days I fear) And then, even though Connor was fine, the nurse let him up on the chair too and went through the blood pressure, pulse and weight with him too. He is so opposite his sister, he's up for anything and loved every minute of it, a big grin from ear to ear the whole time. Of course, he wasn't the one feeling sick either so I'm sure that makes a difference. The doctor was awesome too, complementing Char on her boots, that's all a girl needs. And then to top it off, along with a script for antibiotics for Stu and Char, he gave both the kids a popsicle. We were there probably a half an hour. Amazing.
Before we left for the emerg, Connor said "I don't like doctors. Doctors are yucky." Believe it or not, his vocabulary is expanding. But he was singing a different tune on the way out the door, savouring every lick of his grape popsicle. "I like the doctor, he a nice guy!" I know Charlotte was thinking the same.
So I have March break off and I am determined to get some housework caught up and a little spring cleaning done. It seems everyone's been sick forever, and it's Con's birthday on Tuesday, St.Patrick's Day. We'll probably go swimming as I know that's one of Con's favorite things to do. We'll have a little party on Saturday when Chloe comes up to visit. This is also the day when Connor will be giving all his soothers to Chloe, because she "needs" them, so that will definately be an adjustment for him...and us. He is turning 3, so he'll be a "big boy" and big boys don't need soothers is what we've been telling him. I know from experience, the key is just not to give in. He does know it's coming so I don't think it will be too bad. I just don't know if he'll still settle down for a nap but we'll see. I am hoping he will still have naptime, then I can too.
So we'll probably do a couple days of school this week but not too much. It's nice to have a little break, especially when the weather is just sooo beautiful! Besides the slushy, muddy mess and all, we are loving it!