Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer - Yay!

So what else is new? I'm behind again with this blog. I'm just trying to accept the fact that I can't do everything I'd like to do and think I should do, all of the time. It is really difficult sometimes but I know that sometimes you just have to take it day by day. Plans are important and have their place in life, but learning to just enjoy the present is what I have to work on.
Lucy is growing up way too fast. She's my chubby baby and I love it. Always happy and content, she's now crawling all over and pulling herself up on everything. I am loving the age she's at now. I only wish everything would just slow down. She's just starting to get into a nice schedule...I can now enjoy a couple hours kid free before I head to bed which is great for reading, devotions, and a tv show if there's anything on.
The kids are loving the weather these days. What a change when they can run and romp around outside most of the day. They are constantly running around the backyard, dragging their toys outside...lately it's been little people with some tractors and the little house, discovering new insects...they were collecting tent caterpillars for awhile, and playing with the neighbour kids...who have a pool and every day that it is warm, they beg to go for a swim in it. And our wonderful neighbours are always so gracious to invite them over for a swim on the hot days. We are blessed!
School is going well. I decided we will go through the summer, maybe 2-3 days a week, definately not Mondays or Fridays, but definately on the rainy days! This way I can keep her in the swing of things for Math and such, saves on review in the fall, and less stress when we take off on holidays in December or even "snow" days in the winter. Of course we don't bring school on holidays. This doesn't mean we can't have learning experiences...but it does mean the workbooks stay at home!
Charlotte is really enjoying reading now. She's really picking up the blends and improving her speed a bit with smaller words. I'm reading Charlotte's Web to her at night. Picked it up a long time ago dreaming of reading it to her when she'd be able to enjoy it with me. It's such a cute story really. And Char really does have a soft spot for animals.
Char is also advancing in her piano. She doesn't love to practise but when the neighbours came over today for a bit, she insisted on putting on a little concert for was actually quite cute, the boys even clapped for her at the end. For any song she plays, once she has mastered it, I must sing the lyrics while she's playing. She loves that. And my cousin Reanne, her piano teacher, gave us a duet to practise. She really loves this. Gives me a chance to brush up on my notes too! Fun!
Connor and Charlotte have started soccer this summer. It's just hilarious to watch them. They love it that's for sure. Charlotte scored one goal so far. Connor scored two tonight...on his own net. They both seem to learn a lot in just one practise and they both run like the wind across the field. I think their Daddy will have to start some of his own coaching in the backyard.
Stu's actually playing in a high school reunion soccer game coming up. He's pretty busy with work this summer but we're trying to make the most of the time when he is home. We are hoping to take some time together as a family sometime this summer...we have yet to make a plan.
Lately, I've taken an interest in eating healthier and eating more whole foods and finding out exactly where our food comes from. There's lots of information out there and I'm soaking it up. I figure if we can make some changes to the foods we eat a lot of, maximizing the nutrition we get, then I'll feel less guilty about the junk food we eat every now and then. And introducing the kids to new vegetables, oatmeal, and plain yogourt with natural sweeteners, has actually gone really well. The kids were amazed, as was I, when we made butter. We were giddy and goofy and took turns dancing around the kitchen, shaking the tupperware. Hilarious. I really do think learning about food and how it's made is our science and worth spending time on!
My next projects will be milling my own flour and trying sour dough sandwich bread, "catching" my own starter. Should be a fun experiment!! Hoping it turns out the first time!
Well that is the update for now. Be sure to check out blog regularly...about every few months or so that is...