Sunday, March 17, 2019

Almost a decade later....

Hi my name is Charlotte Doyle and I'm 14 years old. I've recently decided to take up the task of starting my mothers blog again. Her last entry was in 2010.... Doesn't exactly scream commitment now does it. Well, in the past 9 years my mom has had 3 more kids, Joanna (7), Evelyn (6) and Marshall (1). And she is still a homeschooling mom. Yeah I'm phased as well. Funny thing, I never knew my mother was a blogger until last week, and I found it quite entertaining to read of how evil of a child I actually was haha. Just as my mother did, I will try my best to tell some of the hilarious things that go on in our household but for now I am just introducing myself. I am a dancer at Dixon's Dance and Fitness since I was 9 years old and I have loved it ever since. I love to draw, scrapbook, take artsy photos with my polaroid and try my hardest to torture my younger brother Connor. Speaking of my brother Connor, it is actually his 13th birthday today and now we have two teenagers in the house. Wow my parents have NO IDEA what they have got themselves into. Marshall is our newest addition to our family, he was born on September 18, 2017. Most terrifying, scarring day of my life. I got a front row seat to my brother coming into the world and let me just tell you, if I had not been telling myself, "DON'T FAINT, DON'T FAINT, IT WILL ALL BE OVER SOON," I would have been gone. Don't get me wrong child birth is a beautiful thing but I think I'd rather just stay out of that scene (And so would my dad).

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer - Yay!

So what else is new? I'm behind again with this blog. I'm just trying to accept the fact that I can't do everything I'd like to do and think I should do, all of the time. It is really difficult sometimes but I know that sometimes you just have to take it day by day. Plans are important and have their place in life, but learning to just enjoy the present is what I have to work on.
Lucy is growing up way too fast. She's my chubby baby and I love it. Always happy and content, she's now crawling all over and pulling herself up on everything. I am loving the age she's at now. I only wish everything would just slow down. She's just starting to get into a nice schedule...I can now enjoy a couple hours kid free before I head to bed which is great for reading, devotions, and a tv show if there's anything on.
The kids are loving the weather these days. What a change when they can run and romp around outside most of the day. They are constantly running around the backyard, dragging their toys outside...lately it's been little people with some tractors and the little house, discovering new insects...they were collecting tent caterpillars for awhile, and playing with the neighbour kids...who have a pool and every day that it is warm, they beg to go for a swim in it. And our wonderful neighbours are always so gracious to invite them over for a swim on the hot days. We are blessed!
School is going well. I decided we will go through the summer, maybe 2-3 days a week, definately not Mondays or Fridays, but definately on the rainy days! This way I can keep her in the swing of things for Math and such, saves on review in the fall, and less stress when we take off on holidays in December or even "snow" days in the winter. Of course we don't bring school on holidays. This doesn't mean we can't have learning experiences...but it does mean the workbooks stay at home!
Charlotte is really enjoying reading now. She's really picking up the blends and improving her speed a bit with smaller words. I'm reading Charlotte's Web to her at night. Picked it up a long time ago dreaming of reading it to her when she'd be able to enjoy it with me. It's such a cute story really. And Char really does have a soft spot for animals.
Char is also advancing in her piano. She doesn't love to practise but when the neighbours came over today for a bit, she insisted on putting on a little concert for was actually quite cute, the boys even clapped for her at the end. For any song she plays, once she has mastered it, I must sing the lyrics while she's playing. She loves that. And my cousin Reanne, her piano teacher, gave us a duet to practise. She really loves this. Gives me a chance to brush up on my notes too! Fun!
Connor and Charlotte have started soccer this summer. It's just hilarious to watch them. They love it that's for sure. Charlotte scored one goal so far. Connor scored two tonight...on his own net. They both seem to learn a lot in just one practise and they both run like the wind across the field. I think their Daddy will have to start some of his own coaching in the backyard.
Stu's actually playing in a high school reunion soccer game coming up. He's pretty busy with work this summer but we're trying to make the most of the time when he is home. We are hoping to take some time together as a family sometime this summer...we have yet to make a plan.
Lately, I've taken an interest in eating healthier and eating more whole foods and finding out exactly where our food comes from. There's lots of information out there and I'm soaking it up. I figure if we can make some changes to the foods we eat a lot of, maximizing the nutrition we get, then I'll feel less guilty about the junk food we eat every now and then. And introducing the kids to new vegetables, oatmeal, and plain yogourt with natural sweeteners, has actually gone really well. The kids were amazed, as was I, when we made butter. We were giddy and goofy and took turns dancing around the kitchen, shaking the tupperware. Hilarious. I really do think learning about food and how it's made is our science and worth spending time on!
My next projects will be milling my own flour and trying sour dough sandwich bread, "catching" my own starter. Should be a fun experiment!! Hoping it turns out the first time!
Well that is the update for now. Be sure to check out blog regularly...about every few months or so that is...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Back to Bloggin

So yes it has been a LONG time since I last posted...the Lord blessed our family with Lucy born September 14th and after that it's been a BLUR, just so busy. She's a perfect addition to our little family and we love her more than words can say. Babies are even more precious when you can watch your older ones dote over them. Char and Con will jump at the chance to "watch" her and love to make little tents of blankets and pillows around her pretending she's their baby. Of course there's times when Charlotte isn't holding her just right or when she starts making noise cause she knows her big, and very aggressive with his affectionate hugs, brother Connor is coming her way that make me very nervous, but on the whole, it's just adorable.
Charlotte is progressing well with her schooling. She's starting to read now which is very exciting for both of us! We joined a homeschooling co-op which meets biweekly and she's really enjoying it. It's nice to have the interaction with other kids, be able to do things you might not be able to do as well at with a group in the gym...right now she's doing handball. She's also taking the electives dance and singing which she LOVES. Speaking of singing, she joined the local children's choir in September and she's really learning a lot. Today was pyjama day and she brought her doll with her too.

Something to make me smile...

We went to the library today in between school and choir and Charlotte said she had to use the washroom so off she went. I was looking up some books on the computer when I heard my girl suddenly burst into song, practising her very patriotic version of O Canada, while on the toilet, even adding her own "opera" frills to the words...she was so loud all the librarians just stopped and listened and a group of teenagers could not stop giggling. "Wow she's the next Canadian Idol" one of the librarians said to me. I'm not so sure about that, but it made me laugh. It's funny because Charlotte so far has been the quiet voice in the choir. When it comes to performing in front of anyone but her family, she becomes this shy little girl (I hardly recognize her). It's only because she was in the bathroom (apparently she thinks with soundproof walls) that she would dare to belt out a tune like that. We may need to go over the "quiet at the library policy" again but even though I was little embarrassed (she did go on and on) it was just one of those things I'm glad I'm writing down. Just one of those things you don't want to forget so you can tell them when they are older and make them laugh.
Connor has now taken an interest in school work all of a sudden. While I thought that he would be my easily distracted, never wanting to finish a project, little student, he's actually quite the opposite. To my pleasant surprise, he's much more focused than his sister and will colour a whole picture AND stay in the lines and not get up till he's finished. I wish he applied this same drive when eating his breakfast or picking up toys...he never can stay put for that! He is also enjoying having his Dad read him some hockey books I found at the library at bedtime. It's a bit of a long drawn-out bedtime routine some nights but definately worthwhile for him and his Daddy.
I have been finding life with 3 kids challenging so far. It's funny how before I thought I rarely had any time to do all the things I needed to do, now I have even less. It's been an adjustment just getting my priorities straight once again. You'd think being last on the list would bother me more, but it seems to get easier or more natural with each child. I actually left the house yesterday with no makeup on, one thing I rarely forget, even if I just slap on some lipstick and blush, but there was just no stopping once all 3 kids were in the van, I actually didn't think about it. It's always hard when you really aren't getting enough sleep but I'm taking it one day at a time. I'm working on being less grumpy with my husband and more patient with my children on less sleep (a huge challenge for me) but I know it will be worth it for our family. Plus I hear Charlotte imitating me sometimes and it really frightens me!! It's funny how your kids as young as they are can point out to you your own faults. And yet I hope it's effective for me! Character building is one thing I want to spend time on with my kids so I'm their example! I pray for the strength to do this daily!

My new discovery...

I recently read an article given to me by a friend from church about how a lot of kids being raised today going from the car seat to the chair to the swing, etc. Plastic mothering I think it was called. It had an ad for those slings to "wear" your baby and be handsfree for other things. I thought to I've never tried one of those...and I always do feel guilty when I have to plop Lucy down in the Bumbo for a half hour while I do things in the kitchen. I do have a Baby Bjorn carrier but Lucy doesn't seem to like it and it gets really heavy so I stopped using it after she was 3 1/2 months.
At the homeschool co-op, after talking with some moms, the subject came up and it turned out one of the moms made her very own slings. She was quite educated on the subject, said she did a lot of research for the strongest materials best for the job, and offered to lend me hers as her youngest, for the time being anyways, is already 3. I picked it up after school and WOW, I just love it. It's very versatile and I can hold Lucy in different positions, having two hands free to do some household chores. I'm thinking someone should have won a prize because this is the best invention yet, I'm wishing I'd had it for my first two, but then I probably didn't have as much to do then either. Anyways I may just have to save up and buy one for my very own. Apparently this friend of mine can make them in cotton or silk. Hmmmm...I wonder which one I would like...we'll have to start saving those pennies!!
Well that's enough catch up for now...hopefully the next posts won't be so sporadic but with my life, there's no much as I enjoy doing it, I have to stick with my priorities...well off to clean the glitter from our Valentine's crafts spilled all over the floor!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What's Inside Your Tummy, Mommy?

So that's the title of one of the many books we checked out at the library on Thursday. I told Charlotte on the way home that Daddy and Mommy had a big secret surprise to tell her that day. Her first reply with a huge smile was "Am I getting a new Barbie?" "Um no honey, it's not that." Then came, "Are we going to Florida again?" "Well, no it's something else, you'll find out soon!" I was trying to be optimistic she wouldn't be disappointed with the news after those guesses. So Stu and I showed the book to the kids to let them know a little baby, Lord willing, is growing in my tummy and they'll have a new little baby brother or sister in the fall. The book wasn't enough though, they had to check out my tummy...which has grown quite quickly when I compare how it grew with my first two pregnancies. Third times a charm I guess. And it was big enough to convince them Mommy did have a baby in her tummy!
Charlotte is very excited and keeps bringing up questions like "Can you show me when the baby is coming on my calendar? Can I push it in the swing like I did with Connor? We should blow bubbles for the baby and it will laugh like Connor did." At first I thought these must be things she remembers but we do have some video of her doing these things so I think that is what she is remembering.
I'm just over 11 weeks along, taking much needed naps during the day when I can and being nausious enough not knowing what I want to eat, mostly around dinner times. My husband has been a great support though, making dinners when he can and bringing home my latest cravings. Last week, it was Chinese from Chef Wok. What would I do without Stu?
This week we went skating but I could tell Charlotte just wasn't herself. She came down with a fever and sore throat AGAIN. So we decided to take her in and hopefully get some antibiotics to clear it up for good. We went to the Southampton hospital first thing Saturday morning and expected to wait at least a little bit, bringing along a whole bag of books, paper, crayons and pencils, and snacks to keep the kids happy and we ended up going in straight away. What a pleasant surprise for us!
The nurse was so sweet and good with the kids, Stu went through the registration first and then Charlotte. Charlotte was very nervous, her last immunization vividly etched in her mind for the rest of her days I fear) And then, even though Connor was fine, the nurse let him up on the chair too and went through the blood pressure, pulse and weight with him too. He is so opposite his sister, he's up for anything and loved every minute of it, a big grin from ear to ear the whole time. Of course, he wasn't the one feeling sick either so I'm sure that makes a difference. The doctor was awesome too, complementing Char on her boots, that's all a girl needs. And then to top it off, along with a script for antibiotics for Stu and Char, he gave both the kids a popsicle. We were there probably a half an hour. Amazing.
Before we left for the emerg, Connor said "I don't like doctors. Doctors are yucky." Believe it or not, his vocabulary is expanding. But he was singing a different tune on the way out the door, savouring every lick of his grape popsicle. "I like the doctor, he a nice guy!" I know Charlotte was thinking the same.
So I have March break off and I am determined to get some housework caught up and a little spring cleaning done. It seems everyone's been sick forever, and it's Con's birthday on Tuesday, St.Patrick's Day. We'll probably go swimming as I know that's one of Con's favorite things to do. We'll have a little party on Saturday when Chloe comes up to visit. This is also the day when Connor will be giving all his soothers to Chloe, because she "needs" them, so that will definately be an adjustment for him...and us. He is turning 3, so he'll be a "big boy" and big boys don't need soothers is what we've been telling him. I know from experience, the key is just not to give in. He does know it's coming so I don't think it will be too bad. I just don't know if he'll still settle down for a nap but we'll see. I am hoping he will still have naptime, then I can too.
So we'll probably do a couple days of school this week but not too much. It's nice to have a little break, especially when the weather is just sooo beautiful! Besides the slushy, muddy mess and all, we are loving it!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Actual Post Date is March 6th, 2009
Back from a great holiday in Florida, we are now picking up where we left off with school. Charlotte did accomplish some workbook activities, but other than that, it was just vacation time. Aaah, the joys of homeschooling. We'll catch up when we get back! I figure we'll be finished with our Sonlight curriculum in June. I am hoping to do some school through the summer this year since I won't be working as much. Likely just one, maybe two days a week.
It's been sooo long since my last post but life's been busy so that's the excuse I will use. Charlotte is doing well in school right now. She's really been enjoying it and now knows all her letters, can print them and is now sounding out 2-3 letter words. She's starting to really pay attention to words in books and on signs and everywhere. It's so exciting, thinking that she could read on her own sometime soon! Wow, our little girl is growing up!
I've been doing a lot of research into a Language Arts program for Charlotte lately. It's a little overwhelming with all the materials that are out there. And I don't want to spend too much for unnecessary frills, buy something that doesn't work or buy something that is very comprehensive but just very dull. Stuart says not to worry so much about the cost, as it is an investment in our kid's education. He's right. I just don't want to get the wrong thing.
Charlotte loves it when I make learning into a game...she loves a challenge! I've been using flashcards with her lately and putting the letters together for her to sound out. She loves it! I'll be going to a homeschooling conference on April 4th in Kitchener with my next-door neighbour and friend Lisa. It will be fun to get away for the night but I am really hoping I have a good idea of what I would like to purchase. If you do buy things there, you often get a discount or at least save on shipping. Last year I went with no money as I was just getting started but there's so many good books there, I will have to bring some cash this time!
Today before we left Charlotte was begging to do school and since I said "sorry, no time for school today!" she decided she would start testing me. She'd give me a letter and have me tell her some words that began with it. I could see her being a teacher someday, she loves being the leader that's for sure. She's always trying to teach Connor some sort of a lesson. After he was being disciplined today with a timeout and was not too happy about it, she says to him, "Now Connor, it's not the end of the world you know!" Most of the time, it has been something I've said to her before. She's like my little echo. Again, a reminder to choose my words very carefully!
Right now, I'm in London with mom and the kids. We're here for a visit with new cousin Chloe (born on Feb 16th weighing 7 lbs 10 oz) and it's her baptism this Sunday here so thought we'd make a weekend of it. Stu is driving down with my dad tommorow afternoon. The kids couldn't wait to get into the pool...we hadn't been in the hotel room more than a minute and Connor had stripped down and was asking, well, more like yelling, "where is my bathing suit Mom!!???" It was hilarious because neither my mom nor I noticed at first as we had the door to the room wide open and we were unpacking our luggage off the cart. My one track mind little boy.
Chloe is just adorable and it's so exciting seeing my sister as a new mom. She's doing really great, I'm really proud of her. Chloe's like an irresistable magnet to the kids as they can't stay away from her. Of course they're excited but they constantly want to touch her or pat her head, it doesn't matter if she's sleeping...oh well they'll learn. It's really cute to see them with her though.
Well, time to wrap things up. Starting to get sleepy. I think this should bring everyone up to date with what's going on in our household. I'll post a pic of Charlotte's artwork. We have an Usborne book that shows step by step how to draw things. She loves to draw animals...her favorite, flamingos, as they are pink! But I thought she did a great job with her lion, after I told her it MUST be in realistic colours. Otherwise, everything is in PINK! I do know from experience pink can be addictive. I'm hoping someday she grows out of it!
Oh and one more pic...I just checked on Char and Con sleeping and Connor is in an interesting I a bad mother for taking a picture first?? LOL!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Charlotte are you okay???!! Can you hear me???! (ignore the giggles) Someone call 911!

I can't believe it's already November. The countdown for our Florida trip is on. Charlotte, who remembers so much more, is VERY excited about it. Connor will be...when we get there. Lots of things to do before we leave yet. Christmas celebrations with everyone who we are leaving behind are coming up soon.
School is going great. Charlotte has finished a whole workbook with the Sonlight curriculum we are using so it really feels good to start a new one. The workbooks are all about "Developing the Early Learner" and include various activities working on her motor, visual, auditory and thinking skills. Things that will help her be a successful reader. She loves doing the workbooks but sometimes tires of the colouring. Sometimes, we'll just circle the right answer instead!
We have even begun some physical education now...learning to skate. We are trying to get out twice a week and after being out only a few times so far, I can see my kids will be skating much better than I ever did! It's amazing how fast Charlotte is picking it up. She definately has a natural balance and her father.
Connor's coming along but mostly enjoys the chair rides, holding his hockey stick (don't even try to take it away from him), and wearing his hockey helmet. He now totes his "new" (actually one of Stu's old broken sticks that he cut down for him) hockey stick around everywhere and is constantly slapping things around with it. A no-hockey sticks in the house rule is definately coming into play tommorow.
Also a note on Connor's potty training. It has been going great! He's really picked it up quickly...our daycare lady was amazed. He has been getting a little lazy lately, but that could be more my fault, forgetting to remind him. When he's distracted, he needs the reminder. Either that, or he just goes when Charlotte does. What great siblings...coordinating potty times.
I guess that's the update for now. gotta go review my CPR (I have the course tonight), I'm practising on my poor victim Charlotte, who thinks it's quite hilarious!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

French Fry Pie

So this week is going well overall. Charlotte really enjoys the stories we read together and seems to be listening even more attentively. She is still practising printing her name and now is on to learning her phone number too! I figure that's an important thing for her to know and she is learning her numbers at the same time. I think she likes knowing that there's a purpose to it. She also likes to dial numbers for me when I make a call too. It does take a little ( a lot ) longer but that's's a learning experience right?!
She is also writing a letter to her friend Eunice from Kenya. We are going to send some stickers and some pictures of the family too for Christmas. We have to send things soon as it takes so long to go through the sorting process, translators, etc. so they say to send it a couple months in advance. Hopefully it won't be late.
Along with her schoolwork, Charlotte also seems to be mastering a very quick-witted argumentative dialogue as well. Yep, she's talking back! What???! I thought that didn't happen till she turned 13! And she's got all the great facial expressions to go with it too, the rolling of the eyes, pulling up the eyebrow, and sometimes just looking at me like I'm completely out of my mind...not yet, kid.
I'm trying to keep right on it with consequences right away, but sometimes I end up arguing right along with her, like she's making a good point or something, and I should be defending my position. I remember my mom having a little crafty duck with little ducklings beside it, painted on some piece of wood in our house that read, "Because I'm the mom, that's why!" Yah, I'll have to use that I think. I so understand it now.
Connor is now wearing underwear during the day, except at naptime. Hurray!! I am so excited, but not expecting any miracles. He is going for regular potty times but still doesn't let me know if he needs to go. He will basically hold it for over 4-5 hours before leaving a wet spot somewhere on the floor, but I do think I've seen some progress. And we are going through a lot less daipers!!! I think it'll be awhile but I'm so proud of my little boy. I still see him as my little baby I guess.
For the first couple days putting him in underwear was a little daunting...and frustrating. But I knew he could hold it. Then something happened at the library that made me rethink the whole training timing. I'm checking out books and the librarian says to me "Uh, miss?...your son is licking the door."
And there he was, Connor's licking the exit door like it's tastes like ice cream and on the other side of the door, there's now a small crowd of strangers, probably that just went through the door, squealing and laughing and 'ewwwing' at him on the other side just doing his thing.
Yep, that's my boy, just when I thought I could maybe leave there without some sort of embarrassment or humiliation! After this incident, I thought to myself, "Well I know that he might be physically ready to be potty-trained, but maybe mentally he just isn't quite there yet. That could be it.
So I guess that's all to share tonight as I wind down from a busy day and a great workout with the Tara Fitness ladies and have a hot green tea. I leave you with a little comment by my daughter I thought was kind of funny.
We had Hashbrown Casserole for dinner yesterday and Charlotte is always the first to complain about what's for dinner. So I began to explain what a casserole is and what was in this one...hashbrowns, cheese, onions... and she says "Oh, so like a french fry pie Mom?"
"Huh? Yah, I guess so honey." Cute.