Monday, September 22, 2008

Runny Noses and Lullabies

Today we are all sick with colds, sore throats, runny noses...all the fun stuff. I am happy to say that after having a short power nap while my dear son, Connor, 2 1/2 years, was down for his nap, I awoke, with enough energy to do some school work with my dear daughter, Charlotte, 4 years old. It was truly amazing to see what we could get done while my little trouble maker was in bed. Usually we do school in the morning when I figure both of us are fresh and awake and ready to work. But today was an exception and it was actually really quiet and just the two of us, and no dirty daiper interuptions.
Speaking of those, I have just begun potty training with Connor and it is certainly not going as easily as it did with my daughter. Connor is quite content to sit on his potty but would much rather do his "numbers" in the new underwear I bought for him, with the flashy airplanes and helicopters on them. He is also quite content to sit in his dirty underwear for quite a while too. I seriously thought he'd at least do something on the potty today but no. I suppose there's always still hope for tommorow...or next year. We'll keep trying.
Today ended with me a little upset, just a little, when I witnessed Charlotte throwing, yes throwing, one of our sweet little kittens against the window and giggling as she was doing it. Connor sat on his bike and watched as she did and was finding it quite entertaining as well. I was appalled as she is usually so gentle with them and Connor tries to be too. She said she was trying to see if it could stick to the window as she could see the poor things paws and claws splay out as it hit the window. Apparently she was trying to pass it off as an afternoon experiment. This child is always the one with, at the very least, a creative, if not intelligent, explanation.
Needless to say she was sent to her room promptly after saying sorry to the kitty, without her usual bedtime stories and card game. Mommy said this was her "punishment"...a word we were learning the meaning of today from her school storybook. Charlotte decidedly said "Mommy, I don't like punishing!!" and stormed off to her room. She did still get her bedtime prayers with mom and also a lullaby at her request. Boy I do hope she nevers gets too old for a lullaby.


Jenaia said...

Oh no...poor kitty! Jodi Lin still loves me to sing a song to her, but she wanted a different one as she got older. So I searched for one that worked perfect for her and I. "I'll be" by Reba. Dominic likes to sing along as I sing it to her. It is quite amusing to listen to him sing it. I am looking forward to continue reading about your homeschooling experiences too!

Karen said...

Thanks for "fessing up" and for your blog address. I shall add you to my reading list.

Do I have to be careful what I say now? LOL

See you tomorrow,