Friday, October 3, 2008

Why is mommy's face turning red?

This week has run pretty smoothly. School has been going really well. Both Charlotte and I look forward to it. Charlotte is very close to writing her name all by herself! She is starting to recognize many of her letters. She is very particular and doesn't quite appreciate it when I call one letter a "small a" and one letter a "big or capital A", because they don't look EXACTLY the same. "Mom, THIS A does NOT look like THIS one!!" On a positive note, I will just call this her seamless attention to detail.
I bought the Leap Frog Fridge Magnets to help her with the alphabet sounds. She really likes to use them, so does Connor. It did start a few WARS here, but I guess it's something worth fighting for. Connor is starting to hum little tunes now and attempting to sing along to the alphabet song. It sounds so to my ears.
We have made a few trips to the library so far. I'd like to make it a weekly routine. This week, Charlotte and Connor really enjoyed playing games on the computers there. Connor was "colouring" pictures using the mouse a bit. It's really amazing how young they can start on a computer. And it's great they make them just for kids, heavy duty, cause Connor also likes to hammer away at the keys. Boys will be boys...ROUGH.
At the end of our library trip, after Charlotte had handed the lady her library card for her books, she noticed a man standing in line behind us, with a really noticeably red face. "You're face is REALLY red!" she decided to tell him, being sure to make eye contact and saying it at an appropriate volume, for everyone in line to hear. He was a friendly man, thankfully, as he replied, "I know, I'm stressed out!" As I could feel MY face starting to burn, flushed with a red all it's own by now, I added, "And look, now Mommy's face is turning red too!" Well, the librarian and people in line had a chuckle for the day anyways.
After that, we quietly left and had a little talk about being careful what we say about people, especially if it's something someone might be embarrassed about it, or in case we might hurt someone's feelings. "It's best if you need to say something about someone, you whisper it to mommy first!" Yah, that might work. It's funny how these lessons are learned. Yes, funny, that's for sure.
We went to PumpkinFest in Port Elgin today and oh, what fun! One thing I always think about Charlotte missing out on school, is the bus ride! Of course I think that way, I spent about an hour and a half everyday back in my school days. As much fun as I had with the kids on the bus, usually with the ones who were on it as long as I was, what a waste of time!! Back to today though, the kids LOVED sitting on it as there were NO carseats strapping them down and it was fun to sit right beside mom and Grammy, and look out the window. Of course this one was only about 15 minutes or less. It was a treat! Note to self: we'll have to take the bus transit in Owen Sound sometime soon.
The kids went on two rides, plus rode the horses and jumped around in one of those big jumping gym things, sorry I have no idea what to call them. They had a blast. We even got a new Playtime Activities by Usborne for us to use for school! Packed with really cute and easy crafty ideas, I can't wait to get started. What can I say, Pumpkinfest has it all! Well now that my two little monkeys have me completely exhausted, I am so happy to note, it is also their bedtime. So off I go to tuck my two little darlings in. Thanks for reading and please write some comments, I'd love to hear them! It doesn't take much to sign in. Until next time...


Jenaia said...

Sounds like things are going good for you guys too! Both kids learning something. It is pretty exciting to see what they can learn and so quickly! We love the leapfrog magnets. Dominic has learned his letters from playing with that.

Can't wait to see you guys next weekend!


dani said...

leave it to charlotte to be brutally honest!! haha.